
Simply Adorable

The inner 14-year-old me loves this video:

I don't know if any of you even remember this song...ohhhhhh late 90s pop songs :)

I love this guy's version though. And besides Latin boys, I've always had a thing for Asian boys. White boys just don't have much of a chance with me (except for the English ones).

P.S. Today has been a surprisingly good day so far. I've been in a funk the last...week-and-a-half? I guess I'm just a moody brat sometimes. That's when you gotta SNAP! yourself out of it.

Why waste part of my life sulking? If I need to change things in my life I need to just MAKE THE CHANGE. No need to dwell on sadness.


  1. I feel so discriminated against! Reparations needed!

  2. Get it girl! That's a great attitude you got over there. Its contagious, keep it up.

    Poor Jay. *snicker*

  3. hey it's rach. i am too lazy to sign in. haha can you tell i am still on break?

    this guy is awesome! I almost want to ask him if he has a CD!? i would listen to it!

  4. its a good thing i'm *not* any kind of music snob. if i were i might have to say certain things that, lets face it, might be less pretty than our youtuber here. whew! ;)

  5. too lazy again to sign in! Yeah he has his CD posted on myspace. It's pretty good! He lives north of San Jose! only about 45 minutes. I wonder where he is playing next. It would be fun to see him together!

  6. AH I REMEMBER THIS SONG!!! Sorry, that was rather excitable. I loved this, I remember when it came out =)

    I feel old now.

    Jax x
