
Salon Etiquette 101

I forgot to mention this before: I was at the salon last week (getting a few highlights in my hair) and this male customer next to me decides to bring up a conversation on abortion. At the salon. At ten in the morning. He actually decides to debate, with his hairdresser, about when life begins!

Now, I'm all for free speech. But I don't know the last time I felt that uncomfortable. Especially because that debate often gets heated, and quickly. I mean, come on! That's a heavy conversation to bring up in the midst of weaves and hair dye.

Once he left, I turned to his hairdresser and said, "Well while we're at, let's talk about gay marriage. Shall we?"

I had to break the tension, somehow. Although, gay marriage might be a better convo for a salon than abortion. haha.

I just wanted to tell you all about my awkward experience while gettin my hair did.


Tomorrow [March 3] is my birthday and tomorrow I am going to Disneyland!!! Yay. No work and all play on my birthday...that's the way it should be! (I'm going to be 24...mid-twenties, here I come!)


  1. Quite frankly, I'd be upset if my hairdresser didn't bring up abortion every time I was in the chair.

  2. About as awkward as the girl who went to the abortion clinic and started talking about her hair.

  3. I was going to leave a different comment, but after reading Chris's I'm laughing too hard!

  4. this reminds me so much of the pre-election 'i'll be damned if i'm votin for that obama' conversation i got stuck in the middle of on a saturday morning at the tire shop. 500 dollars + a dose of southern racism. all before 10am.

  5. Were you wearing a shirt that stated your opinion on abortion?

  6. You call it "the hairdresser"? I like to call it "going to the beauty shop". It is sort of like CHEERS, any conversation is alright because everybody knows your name.

    Happy Birthday.
