
Chunnel, Baby!

This is how I'm getting to London from France on my European trip:

I'm going UNDER the freakin channel between England and France!!!!!

Sooo...this will be an experience. *excited and a little scared*


  1. Nice. I take the Bart, but I don't go underneath any sort of channel. I wish I could risk my life for public transportation!

    Well, I do, but not the same way you are going to.

  2. let's just hope it's been kept up-to-date better than the illustration of the tunnels. but i would give anything for that train ride.

  3. "Chunnel" is oe of my favorite movies that they go to see in Seinfeld. Well, that and "Death Blow"!! Okay..okay..okay..okay..I take that all back. "Sack Lunch" is the tops. I mean, how did they get in there. Are they all really small or is that just a really big sack.

  4. It's going to be AWESOME, and I can't wait to see you, lady ;)

    Jax x

  5. That might be worth the trip alone.

  6. Let's just hope that the big one doesn't hit while you're in there.
