
Trivial Pursuit

I have to leave for work in, like, a minute; therefore, I should not be on blogger.

I'm messing with my blog colors again (not really liking the blue. I'll change it soon enough).

Really, I want to mess with my hair color instead of these dang blog colors. I kinda wanted to go brunette again. Eh--part me thinks I should leave my freakin' hair alone. But I get so bored with one color when there is so many choices!!

This is all small beans to be thinking about so much.

Anyway, I really have to go. I must go...but before I do...I must mention that I am reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I got it on Sunday, and since then have read 86 pages. I have tons to say about this book. And lots to say about how it's put me in a writing mood. But that will have to be another day, now won't it?



  1. Hiya Ashley. If you enjoy reading books, you should consider Goodreads.com.

    Okay, okay... I admit it's another networking site (and I, for one, REFUSE to get onto most - including Facebook).

    But I feel this is different because I enjoy reading and love how I can keep track of what I've read as well as get recommendations from what others are reading.

    Here's my profile. :)



  2. I like the baby blue.

    And tell me if that book is a good read (which you will, as you said later). I was thinking of buying that as a gift for my Stepmom.

  3. If there is a Kindle version - I am getting that book next! (P.S. I like the purple)

  4. But...but...blue is so awesome!

  5. alright, alright. The blue is KINDA growing on me everytime I bring up the page...I may keep it. hehe.

  6. Yeah, I loved that book, even bought a copy for my daughter, too. Great story.
