
2011, And In With a Bang!

New Year's Eve was all about havin' a good, senseless, dressed-up to the nines, kind of time!

I don't wear heels that often (I'm not really a 'beauty is pain' kind of girl), but I welcomed that instant pump of sexiness on NYE.

My Zero and me. Why dance with a hero when you can dance with a Zero? (refer to Earth Girls Are Easy)

We all headed to a gay bar in the area for a good dose of dancing. I didn't expect to get hit on anyone there, but oh dear lord, I forgot about the bisexuals. The funniest part of the night was seeing a guy that was hitting on me earlier make out with a drag queen later in the night. Those boys are confused, ok? ha. We stayed until 12 to have a toast to the New Year, then realized we were dead tired and headed home to pass out. Being 25 means you start to become a grandma :)

My friend Bethany the "hood rat." haha.

The first day of 2011 entailed chillin.' Pure chillin.' We cruised the harbor in Bethany's convertible, had a delicious breakfast, walked along the shoreline, and perused the mall like true Americans.

Happy New Year everyone. 2011 is going to be the year of MORE. I'm convinced of it.


  1. This sounds like a brilliant new year, and you looked absolutely fantastic!! :) Too funny about the drag queen lol. I must go to a gay bar at least once in my life... although grandma tendencies are starting to hit in!

  2. OK this post confirms that we'd be amazing IRL friends (i just used an internet acronym, omg). (oh my gosh i did it again!) ok anyway, i hope you have been fabulous and have been doing well lately. i'm excited to be back, missed you and your blog!

  3. and re: the bleach blondes comment...i was totally envisioning this zombie takeover movie...or else a funny parody video starring them!!

  4. You're a fun girl, Ashley. But I wouldn't be caught DEAD in a gay bar!

    I stayed home and listened the war zone of gunshots and illegal fireworks going off in my (slightly) ghetto neighborhood.

    It's crazy that it's 2011. Crazy. Cause I remember 2001 (the year I turned 21) like it was yesterday. Now I'm 30 (ah!). But never mind the past. Looking forward to a wonderful 2011 and a new decade!! :-)


  5. Love the heels! You looked fabulous.

  6. Cute shoes!!! You always have such great style!

  7. Turkey...WOW! I wish I was still in the adventurous stage of my life!

  8. mildly jealous. i was stuck in my apartment because of a blizzard. it was lame. haha.

  9. I hear you on the lack of heels thing... however, New Years is definitely the right occasion for them. You look awesome, and I'm liking the posing. : )
