
This is Gross!

So I thought I would share... (click on picture to enlarge)

Everything You Need to Know About Fast Food
Via: OnlineSchools.org


  1. makes me feel better about not eating out a lot, though it's not enough to deter me from doing so either.

    yikes, though. yikes.

  2. Um, scary! I can't believe some people eat fast food 10 times a week! I go once or twice and it's usually Subway or Chick-Fil-A. :)

    A McDonald's hamburger is comprised of 10 different cows? YUCK!

  3. ashley, i LOVE mcdonalds and this is the only thing up until now that has made me pause. how sad!

  4. HOLY KEOW! Long infographic though. Can I get some fries with that? :) Actually, I've gotten into the habit of not eating meat unless I cook it myself, which means much less fast food if any. Although, if I ever get the chance to try the Hong Kong Rice Burger, you can bet I will.
