
Perfectly Acceptable Ashley

It's totally acceptable...

  • to be fine with over-indulgence, like dipping a hershey's bar into peanut butter and having no problem with it what-so-ever. I have an inner fat kid.

  • to stop talking in mid-conversation when a good song comes on the radio. DON'T TALK TO ME! I'm listening to my jam. We can resume our convo after the song is over, thanks.

  • to, on the subject of music, completely waste the day finding new musical loves. I think this a perfectly productive way to spend the day. I'm stealing this video from the musically-enlightened Donny, who is always schooling me on new bands. I love it. This song is peculiar and beautiful, to describe it one breath.


  1. I've been loving finding new music lately too!

  2. Totally agree with everything and Over-Indulgence is the way to go for sure.

  3. Oh my...I need to find some chocolate to dip in peanut butter, stat. My house is depressingly void of Easter candy.

  4. I totally stop conversations when a good song is playing! And yell at my husband if he interrupts one lol

  5. *BIG SMILE* Glad you liked it! :)
