
So What Do You Think?

I found this video highly interesting, and couldn't figure out if I was impressed by this plan the Japanese government has placed on companies, or slightly disturbed by the amount of government control.

On the one hand, companies are kept accountable for what kind of food they serve employees and are forced to think about their employee's well-being. On the other hand, the government is forcing you to lose weight, which could have interesting and/or negative psychological effects, me thinks. It also brings up civil rights, some how...

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.... That's really interesting. If the government is actually concerned about the HEALTH of its citizens, I think that's cool. Mandating it, however, is foreign to me. That in something that would simply NEVER fly in the US, but it's kinda cool. I like the exercise music at work part, though. I like that a lot.
