
Breakin' It Down

Embarrasing thing that happened today: I walked through the doorway of a house (crowded with people, may I add), tripped on something in the entrance and fell flat on my face on the tile. Smooooooooooth. I got the usual first response, "Are you ok?" and then laughter proceeded. Obviously I was laughing the loudest...what else can you do?

Good thing that happened today: I bowled amazing in my lane...beating all the guys. Helps when you get two strikes in a row. Yeah, I'm bragging...what?

Hard-to-determine thing that happened today: I saw my good friend J twice this week...weird after not seeing him for a few weeks. I don't know what to think about it anymore...it's weird, unsettling and comforting all at the same time when I see him. Does that make sense? Have you heard that song, "Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy? Well, I relate with that song...he is an almost lover to me. The closeness we once shared is slowly slipping away now, which is sad, but for the best.

Sorry, I'm rambling...that's because I'm still lost on what to do in this situation...let him completely out of my life? Would you?

Anyway...I got off track. Today was a good day. Oh, and I got to jump on one of those moon bounce things today :) Can you say AWESOME?

Peace Out ♥


  1. What's a moon house thing? Like a jumphouse? Because if it is, I've been in one of those, too. Those are fun.

  2. The friendship/love thing is SO difficult! I've tried to be "friends" with someone I felt more for - it's a lose/lose until your feelings about the person and theirs for you are on the same page. That's my humble opinion.... it's all amatter of time.

  3. oh ashley...we seriously need to talk. lets have lunch or something. whats your schedule like next week? tuesday/thursday are better for me--sometime in the afternoon?
