
Finding the Beauty

I'm drinking coffee right now and it's my second cup of the day. I am so addicted.

Listening to a song you all might like. It's called "Beauty in Walking Away" by Marie Digby. Here is a video of her singing it live. (I think Anthony would like it, at least).

Have you ever had the urge to write more when you are sad over something? Now don't get me wrong...I'm not depressed, not in the slightest. But I'm not settled, and certainly not content right now. But I know I will reach a peace soon.

Life is such a blur sometimes and I feel like I get so caught up in the rush of things. I won't be able to rush letting him go. But I will eventually. I will...

Some lyrics of "Beauty in Walking Away" that I find simple, yet enchanting:

I float on the streets
That are empty
Take the path
That the wind only knows
Tonight is the last time
That I'll ever be here

There's an answer
In the sound of a train
There is wisdom
Past the bridge on the bay
There's a lifetime
Through the fog
In the rain
There's a beauty
In walking away

P.S. I watched Reservoir Dogs for the first time. Now while I admit that it's original, my biggest reaction to that damn movie is WTF????


  1. Hey! Thanks for the comment. It's good to know that people read my blog. Also, it's good to know that I'm not the only one going through such a hard break up. Things will get better.

  2. I won't be opposed to admitting that I didn't not like that song.

    Something about when a woman sings or dances always makes her more attractive to me. Something about a woman's voice (i.e. Sarah McLachlan and her Goddess voice) always strikes a chord in me. It's beautiful and sexy, and I can't deny I like chick rock.

    The girl has a pretty voice, and I really like the piano playing.

  3. I write most when I'm sad, but not just when it comes to blogs. The only times I've ever felt compelled to write (bad) poetry have been when I was sad or upset. I guess it just seems to improve my mood if I can purge those feelings into some kind of tangible form. It took me the longest time to let go, but the feeling of relief and freedom that came with it was amazing.

    And I love Reservoir Dogs. The end :)

  4. coffee girl--of course. It's always nice to have blog buddies you can relate too :)

    ant--you and me, we dig the chick rock. hehe.

    frank--High Fidelity is 1000 times better than Reservoir Dogs. The end.

  5. didn't you enjoy the ear cutting scene? its such a brilliant, violent movie and one of my favorite steve buscemi roles. love his tipping monologue.

  6. yes, the tipping part was funny, sure sure sure. And it was clever...but way too intense for me. I like when movies ease up a little.

  7. I've never seen High Fidelity :(

  8. FRANKIE! Please go see that movie right now, young man!! I believe that YOU will especially like it :)

  9. ALSO. i love the song lyrics you posted.

  10. ALSO. i love the song lyrics you posted.

  11. Your take on just about everything makes me smile. I love that you didn't get Reservoir Dogs.

    I liked High Fidelity better, too.

  12. Great song!! I love beautiful music like that. Nice sound, meaningful lyrics, lovely voice.

    You're batting .500 right now with the music posts, but you are gaining some momentum with this last one. Keep it up!
