
Just My Imagination?

Or is this guy asking me out in a roundabout way?

I received a message from my co-worker, Jason, from my last job, and I'm not sure how to take it. haha. Read this message and tell me what you think:

Hey there Miss Ashley. Prescott and Isaiah told me to tell you not to give too much attention to the boys at your new site. It will make them jealous :) (Prescott and Isaiah are my two favorite little kindergartners at my last job, just so you're not confused)

Good luck with this new job. Hopefully you can find a summer replacement for lil' Prescott. I'm gonna really miss all those guys! (sniffles) Hopefully I'll be back in Sept. I must admit I'll miss our afterwork walk and talks among other things. I grew to really appreciate you as a person and enjoyed your company. If you ever have a free night and would like to get together and watch a movie (maybe you can show me High Fidelity) feel free to contact me.

BTW if you're free Thursday July 9th and are interested in cruising with me to see Incubus let me know and I'll grab some tix

Mr. Jason :-)

...Soooo, is this just a friendly "let's get together and be friends" kind of message? Or...something else? I'm not interested in dating Jason. So, I don't want to give the wrong impression by hanging out with him. He's still a cool guy.

Tell me what you think, dear readers...

P.S. Work was good today. Today in general was a lot better. The good thing about bad days is that the next day is likely to seem great in comparison. There's a way to look on the bright side!


  1. ... I'm fairly sure he's digging on you now that you two aren't currently working together. I know guys cause... I'm a guy... and stuff.

  2. Yeah, he's doing the "show her how cool we are together, and maybe she'll realize she likes me" thing.

  3. I don't want to say anything for fear of messing up this guy's chance with you.

  4. hmmm. i'd say not really. hang out with the guy, it'll be fun. and just make sure that he knows you're all about being casual.

  5. I agree that he's trying to do the freaky dance with you. Tell him that you'll go, then bail at the last minute and send one of your friends you think he'd hit it off with.


  6. If I got that message from a guy I would say he is asking you out. hello! Have you watched "he's just not that into you" if he talks to you typically it's not just cause he wants a "friend" he is telling you he likes you in a nice, friendly, casual way. I would vote for just hanging out and see how much fun you have! don't make it too serious. :) how cute, I like the way he writes.

  7. Oh yes, he's definitely interested in you and he's asking you out on a date. No question about it.


  8. he hasn't seen High Fidelity??? oh sorry, the question at hand. yeah, he's pretty much wants to see what's goin' on. bravo for making the move pal, but call her up, show some gumption. don't just do it in an email or text message. sweep her (you) off her (your) feet.

    although, now that I think about it I would probably go about it the same way. some of us fellas can be shy about this kind of thing.

  9. I say go out and give it a chance. And don't jump to any conclusions, like your not interested, because who knows until you get to know him on a different level. One date/or Incubus concert can't kill anyone!

  10. oh, mr jason, you sly dog you.

    well, since he's bring the greatest movie ever into the picture, i'm pretty sure you know what that means.
